Monday, June 16, 2008

The great worm infestation of '08

Saturday morning Cliff and Jack made their usual trip up to the river bottoms to ride the 4-wheeler. While off on a side road that still was partially covered in water, they made a very interesting discovery. I had to go up later that afternoon to see it for myself (and of course get pictures).
The road was still covered in 6-12 inches of water, when you looked, you could not see the bottom of the road because it was covered with MILLIONS of worms (I think they were night crawlers).

My Dad (above) said that in all of his 56 years he had never seen anything like it.

The pictures really don't give you an idea of the amount of worms that covered the ground.
My brother-in-law Jeremy wondered if it was some sort of Biblical sign. I am not sure about that, but it was really odd and kind of cool.


hncfarley said...

When we went up to see it after church yesterday, they were all dead and decomposing!!! Stinky. Chad got pictures. The number of worms was just so shocking it was so unbelievable.

DeAnn said...

Hi Sarah, I showed the boys your photos of the worms. They were amazed. They thought these were in your back yard. Gavin said he wished we had that many worms in our yard and thought they'd be great for fishing. They were huge! I'm thinking they're good just where they are.

Anonymous said...

I think Jeremy might be on to something...except in the Bible, it was LOCUSTS "...that shall cover the surface of the land. Exodus 10:5" in one of the seven plagues.

They might make for some good fishin' bait!

Dawn said...

OMG! That's soooo nasty.