Sunday, June 8, 2008

Flood pics

Yesterday afternoon I had Cliff take Jack and I up to the river bottoms to check out the water. I took these pics about 1:00, the water rose even higher as the day went on and into last night.

This is the view after taking the right off of the Appleshed road before turning
left to head into the river bottoms.

Once we made it onto a drier portion of the road, we stopped to watch a
turtle. Jack spotted the deer in the picture above trying to make it to dry land.
It was at least a 100 yards out in the water along a fence row that was deep in water.

It made it out of the water!

And SAFE (until November anyway).

This was taken after coming down the hill from Redford
(you may know it by a different name) Cemetary.

View from the hill by Swearingen's coming onto the Appleshed road.


hncfarley said...

Wow, the pictures are good ones. How cool that you caught the deer in pictures!
All the water is unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

I am amazed at all the water.

Tried so hard to understand all of your directions about where you were. I guess I've been gone for so long that I have forgotten some of those "country roads".

Do remember the cemetary tho. HAHA

Emily Volkman said...

I'm so glad the deer is ok. That pic made my heart drop, until I saw the safe pictures. Pretty amazing stuff!!
And Yes, it does say alot about the community when everyone stops to lend a hand. Even the ones who have moved alittle south, we were on call ready to come back and shovel some sand. :)

Sarah D said...

We had a church dinner on Saturday night (Supper 8) and I brought these pics to show to your Dad who was not there because he was out doing his part helping with the flooding.

Anyway, your Mom sure gave me a hard time for going to the bottoms and looking at the water. She said we should have stayed home!! We were not supposed to be out in that water!!!

Bamp said...

I, too am glad the deer made it out of the water, Emily. I saw a spotted fawn way out in the middle of the flood, lost and wading around. I am sure it did not make it which makes my heart sad BECAUSE THATS JUST ONE MORE I CAN'T SHOOT!!