Saturday, July 5, 2008

I'm in love


Aubrey said...

Oh.....MY......LORD!!!! I think I've died and gone to heaven!!

And Sarah, you can have as many of these as you want!! I'm sure the baby likes cookies too!

Jamee said...

I'm right there with ya, and I don't even like ice cream. When I tried it a couple of days ago it had half girlscout cookies in it. I should of just asked for the cookies in the cup.

Christina said...

This is like a dream come true!!! We're gonna have to get to Dairy Queen this afternoon!!!
BTW, do you think I could turn this into a diet? I'm sure I can convince myself and others that eating a Girl Scout Thin Mint Blizzard can give you more energy, thus resulting in more calories lost... :-)

Sarah D said...

I am not sure if you can turn it into a diet, but surely they are given a portion of the profits to the girls scouts--so hey, eaten them is for charity!

hncfarley said...

Thank god I don't like mint!!