Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat

Last night was trick-or-treat night. We were getting ready to leave and heard some sort of a scuffle on our front porch.

It was a raccoon!!!
It's Jack the Raccoon!!

I should have got a video of him shaking his tail.

It's Dexter, the cutest Dumbo you have ever seen.
We brought him a treat of Goldfish because we knew his mean Mommy
would not let him have any candy.
Jack and Dex

And then we were off to what is always my Halloween highlight,
Dennis and Nancy Allen's house.
Nancy goes ALL out, their house looked so cool
We arrived and saw this sitting on the front porch.......
What is it?
Who is it???

Anyone know these witchy sisters?

IT is revealed!!
It's Gabe!!!

Gabe got the honor of "working" at Dennis and Nancy's this Halloween.

Jack with Miss Kaitlin Diel and Shelby Matson.
They were out trick-or-treating for cans for the
NCHS Student Council.
Jack arrives at Mam and Bamp's

Jack sitting on the whoopee cushion Mam and Bamp gave him with his
Halloween treats
He thought it was just hilarious, Bamp thought it was really funny to.
The first thing Jack said when he woke up this morning was "where is my tooter?"


Anonymous said...

It looks like y'all had a fantastic time trick-or-treating.

Again, makes me soooooo homesick!
***pouty lips***

Jack is one cool raccoon.
That Dexter is pretty adorable as well.

We go trick-or-treating tonight!!

Aubrey said...

Very Cute!!

Nothing like farts to make a kid laugh!

Christina said...

One Cute Raccoon!