Wednesday, October 1, 2008


In case you have not heard, we are moving. 700 billion $$ bailout be damned, we are throwing caution to the wind and buying a house. We are good Americans stimulating the economy like that.

I digress...
Along with moving comes the packing. The dreaded packing. I got a lot of crap. Lots of stuff that I don't know what to do with. I have a shelf on a closet that is a "gift shelf" kind of a place to go to put stuff that I have picked up on the cheap or I will admit, things I have received that I plan to pass on to someone else.

Anyhoo, the give away I had last week on SARAH SELLZ was so much fun that I thought I would give it a go on SARAH SEZ.

I found this on my gift shelf and thought it would make a great prize for one of my lovely readers.

Here's what you can win-----
These fab Lia Sophia gold earrings
along with this Lia Sophia bracelet

Yep, you get them both!!!
Here's what you gotta do. Leave me a comment. Tell me your thoughts on regifting. Yea or Nay. Do you do it? Do you have a good story about regifting?
You have until this Friday at 9:30 a.m. (central time) to enter. I will use a random number generator to choose the winner.
You can enter more than once.


joanna m said...

I think re-gifting is a good thing.

What else are you to do with the gifts you get and don't want (in-law)?


Anonymous said...

Yes, I do re-gift. Sometimes you just gotta do it!

However, be sure that the person you are re-gifting to...isn't the person who got the gift for you in the first place.

This happened to me.

And they even gave it to me in the same bag I gave it to them in.

I know she had no idea that I was the one who gave her that gift in the first place...but it was just too funny.

Ashley and Evan said...

This reminds me of the Seinfeld regifter episode where Elaine gives a friend a label maker who then gives it to Jerry for Superbowl tickets. Very funny!

I am all for regifting. My crap is someone else's treasure.

Browningblog said...

Hey Sarah, I have to comment on the moving before I comment on the regifting. I sympathize with you completely. When we moved into our house in Newton, I swore the next time I moved, someone would be carrying ME out in wooden box. We moved a lot when we first got married (Robert lived in 6 houses by the time he was 6) the packing never got any easier- hopefully, you won't be doing it again for a nice long time!

Now, to the regifting- I am all for it, have done it and never gotten caught, I think that's all that matters.

Emily Volkman said...

packing does suck!! I am there with ya. Thanks for doing your give aways!They are fun!!
And re-gifting,,good thing.

Betsy R said...

No, I have never re-gifted. I think that I am afraid that I will give it back to the person who gave it to me. Think it is a great idea, maybe I should try it.

hncfarley said...

Re-Gift Baby!

Shasta said...

Re-gift. I'd rather give it away than get caught selling at a garage sale.

Dawn said...

I'm all for regifting as long as it's done with eaten out of serving bowls or something tacky like that.

Jamee said...

I re-gifted a wedding gift. It came from someone I didn't know (one of my mom's crazy friends) and went to my mother in law. It was more her "style".

aczumbahlen said...

I have an awful present that I received in a gift exchange a few years ago. was at Diel X-mas so I won't say what it was! It was so awful that I just left it on the table in Jill and Ben's shed with no intentions of taking it home. Jill found it and intstead of throwing it away, she wrapped it up and gave it to me on X-mas eve as a joke so we now pass it back and forth somehow each year. I'm here to tell you that this thing is the most re-gifted present ever! So anyway, My name is Amanda and I am a re-gifter!

J Michl said...

Go re-gifters!!!!

This made me think of a story......
Didn't Cherilea get a used blender for a gift once????

Anonymous said...

I say re-gift. I have caught some other people re-gifting and man were they embarrased.