Friday, March 7, 2008

Spoke to soon.......

Well, it has finally happened. I thought we would get by all winter without Jack getting sick, and we had almost made it until Jack woke up with a fever early Thursday morning. Early this morning his fever was up to 104.2 so, I am waiting for a call to see if Jack can get into the Dr. Is it not crazy (at least at Marshall Clinic) you leave a message and wait for them to call you back to tell you if you can take your sick self or family member to get the care they need? I am sitting here waiting like a Valedictorian hoping for his acceptance letter to Harvard. Keep your fingers crossed for me that they let him in today!


Amanda said...

If you are trying to take him the Marshall Clinic in Newton there is not a DR. there today. Good luck! Hope Jack is feeling better soon!

Amanda M said...

To go along with your title...Yesterday I stated to my mother in law how it was amazing that Nick has not tried to crawl out of his crib. Today I laid him in his crib and shut the door. Too my suprise in minutes he was right behind me. He got out of his cage. Guess I spoke to soon. Well I hope Jack gets feeling better. This flu is awful this year.

Rebekah said...

Hope he gets in and feels better soon !! I can recommend a Dr. that does a great job at getting in little patience !!!! Jeremy