Monday, March 3, 2008


Cliff got 4 teeth pulled Thursday afternoon. I have felt pretty sorry for him since he has been in so much pain and basically spent most of the weekend as an invalid. He did make it out of bed to leave for a few hours with Jack on Saturday morning. They stopped at CVS to get me some medicine (I had a bad head cold) and also ended up buying Jack some tennis balls. They then went to Alco to buy tennis racquet's (is it racket or racquet's?). Why you ask, well Jack must have decided at the drugstore that he needed to take up tennis.
Yesterday, Jack and Cliff went to the park to try out their new rackets. Jack seems to have some natural athletic ability (it's gotta be the Diel girl in him) so, for a 3 year old, and by what I (the tennis expert) could see, he was pretty good. Cliff was still in a lot of pain so, they did not get to play very long. Hopefully we will get more nice weather soon so my little tennis pro can practice. That upscale retirement community I plan to live in when I get old is not going to pay for itself!
All in all the tennis racquet's are cheaper than a violin and much easier to clean up after than a lobster.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too cute. I love it!