Friday, January 18, 2008


After yesterdays breakfast of a Hershey Bar, I made Jack pancakes this morning. Mickey Mouse pancakes at that. He was pretty impressed with them, not impressed enough to eat them, but he is impressed.
He still wants a candy bar.


Jace said...

Ahh, how about chocolate chip pancakes? TWo birds with one stone. Anything is worth a shot!?!

Sarah D said...


Great idea Jace!

I did not have any chocolate chips this morning, but I could have used some of one of his beloved Hershey bars.

Amanda M said...

Love the pancakes. I am not that talented. I tried to make christmas tree shaped ones with a cookie cutter once and they looked nothing like a tree. Guess I should have cut them after I cooked them.

Michelle F said...

How can you do that to me. You know I am having Disney withdrawals as it is. Now to torture me with on of my favorite Disney World breakfasts? Cruel :)