Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Godspeed Iowans

Tomorrow it officially begins with the Iowa Caucus.
We are electing a new President!
I love politics. I will watch the returns from the upcoming primaries like many people watch the Superbowl.
I love voting and everything about the process. I remember being forced by my parents to watch the Democrat Convention on TV when we were little. The summer after I graduated from high school I went with Jenny Jackson to Vandalia to see Bill Clinton at one of his campaign stops. I remember the first time I was able to vote, I was so proud and excited to place my vote for William Jefferson Clinton. I am still happy that I voted for him and I have not missed one opportunity to vote in an election be it big or small ever since.
This year it really is different. I truly believe that this is one of- if not the most important elections of my lifetime. Our country is in trouble. We have dug ourselves into such a deep hole that I wonder if any of the candidates (on either side) will come into office equipped with a shovel big enough to dig us out of the mess we are in. But hope remains. Hope remains that a change is going to come. Tomorrow the first step in that process starts in Iowa. Tomorrow will be the only day that I will wish that I was a resident of Iowa. What an awesome responsibility they have been given. What an awesome responsibility we as Americans have been given.
It is time to clean up the mess.


BB said...

I'm thinking in a few years that maybe Mark Bolander has some competiton. How does Lady Mayoress Kinkade sound???

Sarah D said...

I'm not so sure about that BB!

You can call me Lady Mayoress from now on if you like, I have been shopping around for a new nickname.


Sarah D said...
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Rebekah said...

What a great day, The day after The 'Bama victory in Iowa...

I will leave you with one of The current Prez's "greatest quotes" from the whitehouse in Jan 2001....

"There's no such thing as legacies, at least, there is a legacy, but I'll never see it."

Amanda M said...

Well put Sarah. I too am an avid voter if you will. I do not miss a chance to vote. I feel that if you don't vote you have no right to complain about the things you would like changed in our country. It is time for a change and I am also on the Obama Wagon!