Monday, December 3, 2007

Jack likes big butts and he cannot lie

Jack loves the song "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-a-lot (I think he gave himself the sir title-not the queen). He sings it all the time. He really just knows the first verse and he has changed a few of the words.
Jack also likes to sing church songs. Saturday he said "I like big butts and I CANNOT LIE, I'm in the Lord's army." Sometimes he will sing 'Baby Got Back' to the tune of 'On Wisconsin'.
I did not teach him this song. Jill Diel Bierman (who can sing a MEAN version of it herself) thought it would be funny to teach it to him months ago. He is still singing it. On top of that, my sister Rebekah burnt him a CD-what do you think was on it? GNR of course, and "Baby Got Back".
Yesterday he and Cliff went to Noble to see Grandma and Grandpa Kinkade. While there he told his Grandma Kinkade that "he likes big butts and he cannot lie." Not good.


jill said...

We need more men who "like big butts"

Kelli said...

haha that made me laugh

Rebekah said...

who DOESNT like big butts??

Jamee said...

omg, thats great. I would have loved to see the expressions.

Aubrey said...

Too Funny!! Grady somehow got this little sumo wrestler guy who sings that song. He rocks out to, as he puts it, "the big butt song."