Friday, September 7, 2007

Throwing his hat in the ring

Well, it is official-Fred Thompson is running for President. Republican or Democrat, I figure a man that starred on Law and Order (the original) has a pretty good chance. I'm more of a Law and Order SVU kind of gal, so I won't be voting for Mr. Thompson. I am glad he is running though.

Fred is supposed to be very conservative, but he dated country music star Lorrie Morgan, so how conservative can he really be?

Even though I would rather cut off a finger (probably my pinky-it seems the most useless) before I would vote for a Republican for President-I wish Fred luck.
Things just got interesting.
God bless the USA


Rebekah said...

I can't vote for Fred, either. But, he is H-O-T. I bet you would never catch Fred "accidentally" grabbing the ankle of his stall-mate!

Sarah D said...

I am loving Fred.

I am still an Obama Mama though.

Fred needs to go back for a "very special" episode of Law and Order. I would watch.

Michelle F said...

I'm sorry, but he is a cel;ebrity, even if it is c-list @ best. If Hillary wins the nomination, I may have to consider my options. (Insert that Law and Order sound bite her. You know the one.)

Debbie Diel said...

Obama is my man! Have you heard him preach? He can give a sermon with the best of them!! I agree, the Republicans have just stepped it up a notch.

BB said...

Lorrie Morgan dated HIM...what was she thinking???

Sarah D said...

Fame, she is a powerful lady.

Powerful enogh to make a normal old man appear hot.

Powerful enough to catch that man a hot, blond, country star.

Powerful enough to elect someone President?